Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Fort Monroe

We go out to Fort Monroe often to go for walks along the beach, but for some reason we hadn't visited the inner part of the fort before. My brother was down visiting and while the two of us were out there he asked if we had been inside the walls yet. We spent a bit of time walking around and checking the place out. There is a visitor center, but it was closed while we were there.

There is over 400 years worth of history at Fort Monroe! It was decommissioned as an active Army installation in 2011. (You can read more about Fort Monroe and it's history here!

It's pretty weird to walk around and imagine all the soldiers being stationed here during past wars and what it must've been like. Especially when you see signs for fallout shelters! Surprisingly, people still live in some of the old officer's houses. 
It certainly feels like you are stepping back in time when you visit Fort Monroe!
Have you ever visited an old military fort?


  1. Wow, such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures!
