Friday, May 10, 2019

Five for Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! I am linking up with Bright on a BudgetDella DevotedBYBMG and Andrea!

1. Last Friday my mom and I went strawberry picking! It's been years since we've done that, so it was nice to be able to go. We were planning on having to be out there for several hours picking, but there were just so many berries we ended up picking 4 gallons in 40 minutes!
2. Unfortunately for us, the strawberries have zero flavor. Which is super disappointing because we like to just eat strawberries by themselves. So we decided to make some jam with the berries. Again, it's been years since my mom has made jam so it was nice to be able to do that! 

In addition to the jam, I also made chocolate dipped strawberries, strawberry syrup (which I added to some homemade lemonade and it was really good!), strawberry shortcake, strawberry spinach salad, and I also froze some strawberries to use in smoothies.

So, despite the lack of flavor we were able to use them all up for other things!
3. My mom and I went to Costco earlier this week and while we were looking at the books I found this cute kids book.

There were several other books in this collection, such as Alice in Wonderland, The Secret Garden, and The Jungle Book. 

I just thought the illustrations were super cute!
4. We are supposed to go to DC this weekend to hang out with my brother and do something for Mother's Day, but it's supposed to rain so I'm not sure what we will end up doing. 

Are you doing anything for Mother's Day?

5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared my April Photo A Day pictures!

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Bummer that the strawberries were bland! They look delicious. :( And the illustrations in those kids' books are super cute! I've never seen ones quite like that before!

  2. I know! It was so disappointing but I am glad we were able to use them for other things! I hadn't seen illustrations quite like that either, but I got it anyways even though I don't have kids or know any little kids at the moment! lol
