Friday, May 17, 2019

Five for Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! I am Linking up with Bright on a BudgetDella DevotedBYBMG and Andrea!

1. Last weekend we attended the EU Open House! It's an event where 28 EU member countries open their embassies to the public to share their culture. It was really interesting and we were glad to go! We arrived at 12 and stayed until it closed at 4 and we were only able to visit 5 Embassies. 

We were surprised at how many people were there! We had to wait in really long lines for most of them. Travel brochures, food, and dancing was to be found at most of the embassies. 

Overall we had a fun time and hope to go back next year! There were several other embassies we wanted to visit (like France and Germany) but they were in a different part of town and we heard the lines were super long. But now that we have gone once we know what to expect for next year!
My EU passport and brochure | The Portuguese embassy
 The Luxembourg Embassy
 Inside the Luxembourg embassy
 The Irish embassy | The Croatian embassy
 Inside the Croatian embassy | The Latvian embassy
Inside the Latvian embassy

2. Since we were gone all day Saturday, Mother's day was pretty simple. My sister and I had presents for my mom, and then my mom wanted to go see a movie. She wanted to go see Captain Marvel again (my sister has turned my mom into a Marvel fan now!) so we did that. Then we just came home and I fixed dinner and my mom and I got caught up on Dateline and American Idol. So overall not too eventful but a nice day nonetheless! 

3. I was at Wegman's earlier this week and found this pretty bouquet for only $4! Wegman's flowers are usually kind of pricey, so I was really surprised to find these for so cheap!
4. What are your favorite summer clothes? I really need to buy some new clothes for summertime and I am kind of stumped for what to get. I'm leaning toward just wearing dresses all summer because they're easier, but it's hard to know what to wear when it's really hot and humid! 

5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared a post about my Recent Beauty Purchases!
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. What a beautiful place. Very nice.

  2. Those flowers are really pretty! The Wegmans near me is kind of far away, so I don't go too often, but I'll have to keep an eye out for their flowers the next time i'm there!

  3. I don't go to Wegmans very often either, and typically their flowers are kind of expensive (as opposed to Trader Joe's) so I was surprised to find these for only $4!
