Monday, July 6, 2020

Twenty Questions: All About the Blogger

Trista over at The Classy Chaos posted this fun twenty questions so I thought I would play along! I always enjoy reading these kinds of posts but I've never actually done one myself, so I thought today I would! Let me know in the comments what you think!
1 - Introvert or extrovert?
I am definitely an introvert. I can be a bit more extroverted depending on who I am around, but it really takes me along time to get comfortable with people though.

2 - Favorite movie?
I really don't have a favorite movie! I really like The Bourne Identity. But I also like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, The Fugitive, and some other random movies.

3 - Arrive early or late?
Definitely early. I like arriving somewhere early and then going in on time. I can't stand being late, but I also don't like getting somewhere too early and having to just sit and wait in the car for the appropriate time to go in.

4 - Last book you read?
The last book I read was Red Sky Over Hawaii by Sara Ackerman. It was just okay.

5 - Favorite holiday?
I like Christmas. I like the decorations, buying presents for people, and just the whole atmosphere and celebration of Christmas. I also like that people generally seem to be in a good mood so it's nice to see most people are happy.

6 - Pet peeve?
I honestly have so many. What can I say? I'm a 1w2 on the enneagram so I have a lot! Inconsiderate people. Laziness. Swearing. Rude drivers (not using turn signals, people on their phones, not merging correctly, people who speed or drive too slow, etc. Basically just not following the rules of the road.)

7 - Food you refuse to eat?
Ham. Pork in general just really disgusts me. I will eat some bacon and sausage depending on the brand, but besides that pork just is disgusting. Oh, also tomatoes. I just don't like the texture. I have issues with soft foods like oatmeal, applesauce, or mashed potatoes. Basically any food you don't have to chew.

8 - Favorite fast food chain?
 We don't really eat fast food since we prefer more of the fast casual type of places (like Chipotle.) but I would have to say In-n-Out. Although I unfortunately do not live near one anymore! But anytime I am in an area with one we always stop. Culver's is pretty good too but I don't live near one of those either! 

9 - How do you keep fit?
I usually use a treadmill and also do some cardio/stretches/push-ups. We also go for walks/hikes.

10 - Morning person or night owl?
Morning person. I do NOT like being up late. If I'm up past like 11:30-midnight then I might as well forget about getting any sleep and I hate that feeling. I need to be in bed by like 10pm.

11 - Favorite drink?
Probably Trader Joe's grapefruit sparkling water. Although I really like a good cup of coffee, homemade lemonade, and an occasional Dr. Pepper.

12 - Irrational fear?
I can't really think of anything! I mean, I hate spider and snakes but I'm not afraid of them or anything. And honestly, I think that would be a totally rational fear!

13 - Go-to snack?
I'm really not a snacker. I typically eat decent meals so if I do happen to snack I try to eat something healthy like fruit, almonds, granola bar, or maybe some popcorn. 

14 - Strongest sense?
I don't know. Maybe taste? I cook and bake a lot so I spend a lot of time analyzing the flavor or texture of things I cook to see if it tastes how I want it to. 

15 - Fictional place you’d like to visit?
Hogwarts would be pretty neat! I can't think of any other good answers. There are a few planets in Star Wars that would be neat to visit. Like Naboo.

16 - Kindle or actual book?
I typically prefer an actual book, but I live in an area with a really poor library system (I guess people in Virginia don't read because they never have anything I want.) So I read a lot on my Kindle now and I like that. I like being able to easily carry it with me anywhere.

17 - Last movie you went to see?
It's been so long now! Just Mercy was the last movie I saw in theaters back in January.

18 - Favorite season?
Spring and fall. I like spring for all the flowers and plants blooming, and fall since it's when I can finally have cooler weather. I hate summer and hot weather, so pretty much any time there is cooler weather is okay with me. I don't even mind winter and cold weather.

19 - Beach or mountains?
Mountains for sure! I don't mind the beach but I don't really like being in the sun and just sitting on the beach all day is boring to me. I need to be able to do something. So in the mountains at least there is hiking and nice views and stuff.

20 - Favorite cereal?
I've never really been a cereal fan. I like my own homemade granola if that counts.


  1. So glad you joined in! Loved reading your answers and we share so many of the same things. Like pet peeves of folks who just don’t know the rules of the road!! And I am the same way with sleep. I’m basically worthless the next day if I stay up past 10!

  2. So very nice. Thanks for sharing. I love The Fugitive, I have seen that movie and can speak lines out of it,

  3. Thanks for posting the questions and hosting the linkup! It was fun! Yes! Is it really that hard to use a turn signal or stay in your lane???

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed this post. And The Fugitive really is a great movie!
