Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea! It's been a while since I've done one of these! I haven't really done enough to justify writing one of these posts each week, but I finally now have a few things to share!

1. I bought some pretty flowers for May.
2. We have gone strawberry picking three times over the last month or so. The first time we went was May 1, which seems weird that they were already ready at the beginning of May, but they were! They have a long growing season here too. We've really been enjoying them! 
3. We've tried to get out and go for walks when we can. It was nice for a few weeks and then it got really hot and humid. And then this week it wasn't too bad again. I always enjoy going out to Fort Monroe to walk along the water. There is almost always something interesting to see! 
4. Maybe kind of random but my mom and I both got some new bedsheets at Costco recently. They had these organic cotton ones on sale and they are really nice! They are very lightweight and so soft!

Bonus points because they have a tag on them telling you which side is the top or bottom!
Hope you have a great weekend! Let me know if you've been up to anything fun or interesting lately!


  1. It's so funny how much little things (like the tags on the sheets!) make my day. I have been wanting to get back to our strawberry fields to pick one last time; fresh picked strawberries are the best.

  2. Such nice photos of the water and I bet strawberry picking is fun.

  3. I know, right? Freshly picked strawberries really are the best!

  4. Thanks! It was fun. And you can't go wrong with fresh picked strawberries!
