Wednesday, March 2, 2022

February 2022 Photo A Day

The February prompts were pretty easy once I actually got started on them. I initially just looked around for interesting things in the house or while I was out and literally everything I came up with started with a C. Coffee! Candles! Custard at Culver's! Camera! Candy! And the list goes on. 

But once I started working off the list itself most of the photo ideas came pretty easily! I got kind of stuck on U, so I just photographed my new book, Until Leaves Fall in Paris, since the title started with a U. I was even surprised I came up with an actual item for X - an xacto knife!

How was your February?


  1. This is such a fun prompt and it's amazing you found such great things to photograph every day for the theme - especially tricky letters like u and x! :)

    Hope that you are having a good week. The wild weather and storms are back here unfortunately, hopefully we do not get flooded in again!

    Away From The Blue

  2. I think you did a great job with the alphabet!

  3. Great job there.

  4. Love Z is for Zelda, obviously! I just had a vlog on the other night, and the vlogger/wife was showing her husband playing BotW! I already liked them both, but NOW I'm like, "Did we just become best friends?!" haha) Your rainbow sprinkles pic is great too. Rainbow sprinkles are always so aesthetically pleasing!

  5. Thanks! It was a fun photo challenge to do!

    Hope you have a great week as well! I've been seeing how bad the flooding is there, I hope you're doing okay!

  6. Haha! Zelda is always my default for Z because it's so hard to come up with anything else! And you can't go wrong with Zelda ;) You are so right! rainbow sprinkles are very aesthetically pleasing! I needed to buy some more recently but passed them up at a couple of stores because they weren't the right shade of colors haha. I like the ones that are bold in color! Some of them are too pale/pastel looking.

  7. Thanks we are lucky, we were flooded in but no damage for us from the floods. Some of our neighbours were not so lucky :(

  8. That's nice to hear that you were okay, but sorry about your neighbors! Water damage is really tough to deal with!
