Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea! It's been a long time since I've written a Friday Favorites!

1. Earlier this year I got a new camera lens. It was one that I had been eyeing for quite a while (years!) and always hesitated on because of the price. I eventually saw a great deal on it ($400 off!) so I went ahead and purchased it. I'm glad I finally got it and have been enjoying experimenting with it. We went to Washington back in April and it was really nice to be able to use it while we were there. So look forward to some picture heavy posts coming up. One of which was to the tulip festival! The last time we went was 7 years ago!
2. We're big Tillamook fans in my house (Being from the PNW it's pretty much a requirement!) and their ice cream is always a favorite. When we were in Washington I bought this limited edition flavor and have been looking for it since we have been back. I finally found it and have been enjoying it! Everything about it is so good. Definitely recommend it! Or if you've never tried anything Tillamook, do yourself a favor and buy some of their ice cream!
3. My mom and I have seen two movies over the last couple of weeks. We saw Sound of Freedom back on the 4th and thought it was very good, and then we saw the new Indiana Jones this past Tuesday and I was really disappointed with it.
Pretty much the entire first half of the movie was ridiculous chase scenes. The second half had more of a plot to it but I didn't like the other two main characters and just thought the overall plot was weird.

Anyways, have you seen any new movies lately?
4. The weather has been horrible here lately. It's been SO hot and humid! With the heat and humidity it's been in the 90's (the UV index gets up to 10 some days!) so I've been stuck inside a lot and have been spending a lot of time playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. It's a lot of fun and I've really been enjoying it! And it's been nice to talk about the game with Jess!
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared our Quick Visit to Savannah, Georgia and on Wednesday I shared some of my Recent Purchases!
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on the new lens! It is always fun to make a purchase like that! I am getting ready to sell a lens that I refer to as Behemoth. It's a Tamron 150-600mm and it weighs FOUR POUNDS! That's just too much. I got some great shots with it but have not used it in two years. I love Tillamook products! Did not know where it was from. I love their cheese and cream cheese. Have not had their ice cream but I can imagine how good it is! Have a great weekend!!

  2. I wasn't impressed with Indiana Jones this time around either... honestly, I was amazed that Harrison Ford was even up for the role and they hadn't tried to replace Indy like they did with all the Bond movies!

  3. We saw the Indiana Jones movie too and I know what you mean about all the chase scenes. The movie was very cheesy but I liked that it reminded me of when I went to the movies to see the first one as a kid.

  4. Thanks! I am always apprehensive about making big purchases like that but now that I've had it a while I'm really enjoying it! Four pounds?! My gosh! That is so heavy! This one is just under 2 pounds which feels quite a bit heavier than the kit lens. Tillamook comes from Tillamook, Oregon, which is on the Oregon coast. They have a great store and tour you can go on at their HQ.

  5. I thought the same thing about Harrison Ford! I don't know why some movie franchises don't just go out on a high and instead continue to make mediocre movies. It's a great character so replacing him would be a good option!
