Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea
It has been quite a while since I've done one of these but I'm looking forward to getting back into blogging regularly!

1. I uploaded all of my pictures from our trip to Europe to my computer so I can start going through them and that has been fun! Granted, there are over 1,000(!!!) so it's going to take me a while to sort through them all but it's been fun to look back and see all the things we were able to do!

We visited 9 countries and were able to see and do so much! It was definitely a whirlwind and we were so busy. Definitely not a relaxing vacation. We tried to make the most of our time in Europe while we were there (this is our second time visiting Europe.). 

We were able to visit Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France! I will definitely be sharing more as I go through my pictures but here are a few favorites! I have been sharing a lot in Instagram if you want to follow me there!

The Giant's Causeway | The Dark Hedges
Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial
Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany)

2. I had to do some major grocery shopping after getting back from our 3 week trip to Europe and happened to find these at Trader Joe's! I think they could use more marshmallow but otherwise they're really good!
3. A Habit Burger finally opened where we live. (It opened last year) and that has been a favorite. I don't eat out very often but it's nice to be able to get a good burger at a decent price.
4. I don't go into Michael's very often but I happened to stop by and found some cute spring home decor items. Here are a few of the items I purchased! I got 2 of these cute scalloped wall shelves, this pink floral wall art, and this glass container with lid (I got the clear glass one). I also got this wall banner but it doesn't look like it's available anymore. Have you purchased any decor items lately? Do you have a favorite home decor store? I never really know where to consistently shop for home decor, I kind of just randomly come across things.
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared a little about What I've Currently Been Up To, and on Wednesday I shared some of my recent scrapbook pages!

How have you all been? Have you been up to anything fun or interesting lately?Hope you have a great weekend!

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