Friday, July 10, 2020

Five for Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! Today I am linking up with Andrea!

1. The USAF Thunderbirds were in town a little over a week ago and we stopped by to watch them practice. There is just something so incredible about watching them fly! (Here's some more pictures from when we saw the Thunderbirds at an airshow a few years back!)
2. I ordered some coffee from Peet's recently and was excited when my order came! I'm pretty particular about my coffee so it's nice being able to order exactly what I like!
3. We toured the Battleship Wisconsin in Norfolk this past Wednesday. It was really hot and humid out, which made walking around the deck not so great, but despite that it was pretty neat to see! 
4. The weather here has been super hot and humid the last few weeks, so when the temperature was just slightly lower yesterday we decided to brave it and go for a walk at Fort Monroe. There is a tropical storm brewing off the coast of North Carolina so we are looking at a lot of rain over the next week or so, so getting out for a walk was nice-even if it was really hot. 
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared a fun twenty questions post

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. We toured a battleship in Charleston, SC a few years ago at the end of August and it was SO hot! So neat to see though and I was so thankful that parts of it had been air conditioned.

  2. It has been so hot and humid here too. But your outings sound fun! Were they crowded? Did ppl social distance well? We’re headed to the beach soon and I just wonder how those types of places are gonna be. Happy Weekend to you!

  3. How fun! I can't imagine not having air conditioning!

  4. No where we have been has been very crowded which is nice. I am not a fan of crowds so it's been great for us! People have seemed to social distance pretty well. Granted, we like to do things during the week when there is generally less people anyways, so I can't speak for how the weekends are, but the beaches are so large and as long as you are willing to walk a little there is plenty of space to social distance.
