Monday, September 16, 2024


Well, it's been a while! Again! Between having a miserably hot and humid summer and a lot of travel, blogging went to the bottom of the priority list. I have so much to get caught up on and so many things to post about! So I'm really hoping to get back into posting regularly again. 

Working on - Just getting caught up on a bunch of different projects. I still have some scrapbooking to get caught up on and I'm still working on all of my pictures from from our trip to Europe. Between a lot of travel and family stuff, I feel like I'm so behind in a lot of things right now! So just really working on getting caught up.

Looking forward to - Some cooler weather! The summer was extremely hot and humid here but it's been cooling down the last couple of weeks which has been so nice! Typically the entire month of September is pretty warm, so I'm really glad that the cooler weather has come so much sooner! And I'm looking forward to getting out and going on some hikes now that it's cooler. I have quite a few hikes saved on AllTrails that I want to go on.

Watching - Just watching America's Got Talent right now. Looking forward to all the regular shows coming back on soon!

Back in July I watched the newest season of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. It was pretty interesting. Although the third episode is a little disturbing/creepy!

Reading - I recently finished reading The Nature of Disappearing by Kimi Cunningham Grant and thought it was an interesting read. A little predictable in some parts but overall an interesting and unique story.

Buying - I got a new phone recently and so I needed a charger, a phone case, screen protector, ear buds, etc. It's so annoying that they keep changing the USB part thing (it's USB-C now) so you keep having to buy new stuff! 

I've also bought a few new clothes which I'll share soon. 

Trying - I'm going to be trying a new small group at church this week. And while I'm not exactly nervous about it, I am maybe a little unsure about it. Being new and trying to make friends as an adult is so hard! So I kind of just decided that if I don't like it I don't have to go back. 
What have you been up to lately?

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