Friday, October 5, 2018

Five for Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! I am linking up with Cup of Tea Bright on a BudgetDella Devoted, and BYBMG!

1. If you aren't up on the latest Nintendo/Mario news, the newest Mario Party releases today and my sister is pretty darn excited about it! My mom and I are going to be out today, so I volunteered to pick it up for her so she could just come straight home and play it.

We're also picking up pizza from Papa Murphy's, so it will be a fun night eating pizza and playing some Mario Party!

2. I'm also looking forward to tonight's Dateline. I was a big fan of the Up & Vanished podcast, so it will be interesting to see Dateline cover the case and talk to the host of the podcast. 

So if you don't normally watch Dateline, you might want to watch this one. The case is interesting, but as with all of the cases, the story is really sad.

3. My brother came home the weekend before last so we went to the Christopher Robin movie for something to do. I didn't really want to go to the movie, but it ended up being really cute! I wasn't expecting to like it but it was good. The Winnie the Pooh characters could have done with a bit more work to make them look more cute, but overall it was a fun movie.

4. After the movie my brother wanted to go by Old Navy, so as we were driving there we got stopped at a stoplight. We looked over and saw this sign! We were all laughing at it and my sister was able to get a picture.
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared a book review!
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. I used to love Mario Party! Although I think we only had the first one, for N64. SUPER Mario Party, whoa! :)

  2. I grew up playing the Mario Party games, so we have almost all of them! They're really fun!
