Friday, November 8, 2019

Five for Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! I am Linking up with Bright on a BudgetDella DevotedBYBMG and Andrea!

1. We went on a couple of walks this week. My mom found this park kind of near our house that we decided to go to. While the pictures might make it look nice and peaceful, it was actually right by the freeway so there was a lot of noise!

Once we got farther along the trail we took a path that took us away from the freeway which made it a lot better. 
2. A few days later we went to the same park, but took a different trail this time. This trail was much quieter-although maybe too quiet! It was very isolated and didn't really seem the safest. My mom blamed me for making her watch too much of the ID channel. Haha. So I guess we will be finding another park next time!
3. I got a new phone yesterday! My mom, sister, and I all headed to the Apple store and we each got the new iPhone 11. We all still had the iPhone 5S, so the 11 is a major step up! 

I'm really looking forward to using the much better camera! My mom and I got the lavender (seen below) and my sister got the red (which if you haven't seen is a neat candy apple red color.). There was also a yellow, teal, black, and I don't remember if there were any other colors.

I ordered a case from Amazon but I'm kind of afraid to use my phone until I have a case on it!
4. By the time we were done getting our phones it was mid-afternoon. We hadn't had lunch yet, so we decided to go to Shake Shack. I had no idea there was a Shake Shack in Virginia Beach until we happened to drive by it about a month ago, so we decided it was time to stop in. And yes, it was delicious!
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared my October Photo A Day pictures!

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. That all sounds very productive! I still had my iPhone 5 until last year and upgraded to the 10 because they were discontinuing it and it was crazy on sale! You know, I've never been to a shake shack. I've tried, but the line is usually really, really long. They have one in Grand Central but I'm usually in a hurry to catch my train. And then I've tried to go to another location but the line was out the door. I bet it was good though!

    I hate sketchy parks. I'm with your Mom...too much ID tv! LOL!

  2. Shake Shack is pretty good! Maybe not best burger ever or anything like that, but still good. And their fries are always perfectly crispy which we really love! You'll definitely have to give it a try if you get the chance!
