Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea!

1. A few weeks ago I made some raspberry sauce and a white almond cake with raspberry curd filling! It was delicious! We had a 5-pound bag of raspberries that had thawed and then refrozen, which resulted in a 5-pound frozen solid block of berries that wouldn't come apart. We had intended on using them for smoothies, but that wasn't going to work any more so I managed to get some of it apart and made the sauce and curd with it. It worked out really well! 
2. I picked these flowers up from Trader Joe's for the month. I was glad to find some that were kind of fall-colored!
3. On Wednesday, my mom and I drove up to the DuPont State Recreational Forest to go hiking. We hiked the Triple Falls hike again, but this time managed to find Hooker falls (which we missed last time because the trail head was across the parking lot and not attached to the main trail like we thought it was.) We also hiked to another waterfall, Bridal Veil falls. So we saw a total of 4 waterfalls on our hike!

We had hoped the trees would be a little more colorful but it's still a little early to see the fall colors here. I found another hike I want to do soon when the fall colors have reached their peak.

We hiked a total of either 8.3 or 8.8 miles depending on which phone you looked at. (Not sure why there was a discrepancy since we were together the whole time.) Anyways, it was a long hike with a lot of very steep uphill hiking. I should probably start playing around with the AllTrails app since I think it tracks elevation gain and stuff? I'm not sure but I'll have to check into it more. I've used it to find trails but that's about it so far.

I have a lot more pictures to share but here are a few I took on my phone.

Hooker Falls.
Triple Falls.
High Falls.
Bridal Veil Falls.
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Yum that cake looks delicious, great way to use the berries! :) And your hike looks lovely with all those waterfalls! Such great photos :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  2. Thank you! It was delicious! I really did enjoy my hike! The waterfalls were really beautiful to see!

  3. What an amazing hike! Yes, Alltrails tracks elevation, speed, and miles and maybe a few other things too but I usually only use it to find the trails too. My husband likes to use the full app though while we're hiking. We're making a chocolate cake this weekend with raspberry filling!

  4. What a beautiful hike and the raspberry goods look so yummy.

  5. Thanks! That's good to know. And chocolate cake with raspberry filling sounds delicious!

  6. It was a beautiful hike and the raspberry goods were delicious!

  7. Yay for finding waterfalls this time! I want to make a fall visit to the botanical garden near us, but the leaves in general haven't changed color much yet! Dang!

  8. I know, right? I hope you were able to visit the botanical garden and see some fall colors!
