Monday, November 15, 2021

October 2021 Photo A Day

Okay, so I really struggled with the October prompts! The theme was "about me" which, on the surface, shouldn't have been too difficult but in reality was harder than I had thought. Mostly it seemed like the prompts were 'in the moment' if that makes sense or things that were kind of hard to take pictures of. Like: I went to, I sat here, On Mondays I, On weekends I, etc. I don't typically have my phone on me at all times, and I also don't do the same thing all the time so I don't really have a 'routine' which made it kind of hard. Anyways, I managed to finish out the month!


  1. Those do seem like tricky prompts! I would have ended up using my cell phone camera a lot just to have "something." But I think you got some great shots; I love the purple hydrangea and those waterfalls are beautiful!

  2. You did a great job with the prompts. Very nice.

  3. These prompts would annoy me too, haha. But you did a great job! Love the Switch cameo! :)

  4. They really were hard prompts! I typically do use my phone camera, but it can be hard to come up with something! Thanks!

  5. Thank you! The Switch is very important ;)
