Monday, August 15, 2016


I just got back from being in Washington last week so I thought I would do a little currently post as an update on what's been going on! 

Watching -  The summer Olympics! I wasn't expecting to get into it this year, but I've been watching quite a bit of it! 

The women's gymnastics were pretty incredible! And the swimming (men's and women's!) was pretty exciting! 

Wishing - I had found a car while we were in Washington. Long story short, my dad and I spent a lot of time driving around south of Seattle and even some of Portland trying to find a car. Unfortunately buying a car has turned into somewhat of a nightmare. We saw close to a dozen cars that all had major problems (none of which can be seen in pictures of course.) so it's back to looking again. 

Needing to - Get ready for work! Back to the real world today! ;) 

Trying - Not to get too disappointed with the car buying experience. I've spent SO much time researching cars and I know what cars I want, it's just hard to find with the right mileage. And it sucks when I do find something and it ends up being a piece of crap because the previous owners didn't take care of it. Throw in rude or annoying car salesmen and it just stinks.

Buying - I haven't bought anything in a little while now. My parents bought me a couple things at Ikea while we were in Portland, so I'm excited about that stuff! I'll share more on Friday.

Reading - When Death Draws Near by Carrie Stuart Parks. I'm only maybe a quarter of the way into the book, but so far it's really good! I loved her first two books, so I knew this was going to be great as well!

Working on - Replying to blog comments! I have a few more left to go.

What have you been up to lately?


  1. Ugh car buying is the worst. I ended up getting a new car because I just didn't want to deal with the issues that come with older/used cars. At least this way, I'm putting off dealing with those issues for a few years, haha! And I love the gymnastics too! (I could never do a cartwheel either!) I'm so disappointed that gymnastics has been coming on so late in the night because it gets bumped by live swimming or (ugh) track and field (my least favorite!).

  2. It really is! There's just so much pressure to get just the right car!
    I know! I think they put gymnastics last since it's the event everyone wants to watch. It was really nice at my grandparents house because they got the east coast channels on the west coast, so we could watch the Olympics at like 4 in the afternoon! And now that we're back home it's annoying staying up late to watch. But you also can't wait until the next day because all the results are posted as they happen so you always know who wins before it even airs! Track and field is my least favorite as well. Although I did watch Usain Bolt. I mean, have you seen this picture?
    and the meme of course:

  3. The picture here is so pretty! I didn't expect to watch the Olympics this year either, but I actually have watched a good bit of it! Car buying is awful! I hope you find one soon!


  4. Thanks! I took it during a hike while we were in Washington! I really enjoyed watching the Olympics! I'm kind of sad I have to wait another 4 years to see the summer Olympics again! And I did finally find a car! I'm so glad to be done with that process!
