Monday, July 31, 2017

Trip to Washington

Last month we made a trip over to Washington to visit my grandparents. The drive is SO LONG. It takes about 10 hours to get there and it is a super boring drive, except for the last 3ish hour when we start getting toward Portland and then heading north. It ended up being a short trip, but it was so nice to visit! We only had two full days with my grandparents, plus one day where we had to drive up to SeaTac to take my brother to the airport as he was going to be flying to France. After dropping him off we were able to go visit my aunt and see my cousins, so that was really nice!

I never seem to take as many pictures as I hope to, but here are a few random pictures from our trip:
Somewhere along the Columbia river | Mt Hood off in the distance      
My grandparents have lots of bird feeders around their house, and when they said they had a lot of gold finches around, I was expecting to see a few but I had no idea they had this many! There were tons of them all the time flying around feeding! There is a power line near by and the birds will line up on the line and take turns feeding. I was amazed at how many there was! They were fun to watch too!
One day we went on a walk with my grandpa and he took us out on a logging road then on a trail through the woods. I always enjoy going for hikes and it was nice to go walk through the trees!
On our way back we made a quick stop at Multnomah falls. It's just directly off of I-84, so we made a quick trip over to get some pictures and got back on our way!

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