Friday, April 9, 2021

Five on Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! Today I am linking up with Andrea!

1. Last week my mom and I drove up to DC to see the cherry blossoms at the National Arboretum! We weren't able to go last year since it was closed, but we visited two years ago and it was nice to be able to visit again. The cherry blossoms were at their peak and I was able to get quite a few pictures. 

There really wasn't anything else in bloom except for the cherry blossoms and magnolias. The weather was really nice and warm and the cherry blossoms were really beautiful to see!
2. Since it's spring that means it is pollen season here! Yikes! Maybe not super noticeable, but that yellow dust all over my car is pollen. Everything is coated in a light dusting of pollen which gives everything a yellow tint. 

I'd never seen anything like this until we moved to Virginia, but apparently it's just how it is in the spring in the south! 
3. We had a very nice Easter. My brother and sister came down and then we had a friend of my sister's over for brunch. My brother and sister had to drive back Sunday afternoon so it worked out better to just do brunch. 

We had cinnamon rolls, quiche, bacon, deviled eggs, baked oatmeal, and strawberries! It was all really delicious!
4. This week my mom and I went out to the Norfolk botanical garden to see what was in bloom there and we were glad to see that pretty much everything was in bloom! I took quite a few pictures and will share those soon! 

I dread summertime because I really hate the heat and humidity, so I really try to enjoy springtime and seeing flowers blooming everywhere! 
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared a Currently post, and then on Wednesday I shared a review of the book Is It Any Wonder by Courtney Walsh!
Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. That's how the pollen gets here too and I just started taking my allergy medicine today as my eyes will not stop watering... I know the sneezing and sniffling is just around the corner as I can see all the buds getting just a bit bigger each week. Your Easter brunch looks amazing!

  2. Looks like a wonderful Easter spread and those cherry blossoms are so very beautiful.

  3. Oh yes, welcome to allergy land, haha. I am FEELING IT. And I'm sure my car is covered in pollen too! I just got a membership to our local botanical garden, and I can't wait to go! Unfortunately, it's been chilly, gray, or rainy every weekend since getting it WAH.

  4. As much as I love spring and all the flowers, the pollen certainly makes life miserable! Thanks! Our brunch was delicious!

  5. Our brunch was delicious! And I really did enjoy the cherry blossoms!

  6. Haha! I know, right? Hopefully you will get to visit the botanical garden soon! There should be lots of pretty flowers blooming!
