Monday, December 10, 2018


Working on - So many things! Blogging-wise, I have some posts I'm finishing up on. I actually planned out the entire month and now I just have to finish those posts. It's been quite a while since I've done that so I'm really going to try to stick to it! 

Besides blogging I've been working on Christmas stuff. I baked sugar cookies yesterday, we've decorated the house, I've wrapped presents, and I still have to wait on one item because I had to reorder it because I received the wrong thing.

Needing - I need to go to Target and Trader Joe's, but with the record breaking snow we got yesterday I'm going to have to wait a few days to go shopping! 

Buying - I need to buy some Christmas sprinkles. I made sugar cookies yesterday and my sister and I were going to decorate them today, but then I discovered that we don't have any Christmas sprinkles! There is a Walmart very close to our house, so we will probably venture out there to buy some today.

Looking forward to - Christmas of course! Although it's always kind of bittersweet. I look forward to Christmas and there is so much anticipation for the day, and then it's just over and you have to wait a whole year for it to come again!

Watching - The same shows as always: Dateline, Shark Tank, Madam Secretary, The Profit. We also started watching the holiday edition of Nailed It on Netflix and that has been pretty entertaining!

What have you been up to lately?

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