Friday, January 3, 2020

Five for Friday

Hello and welcome to my Five for Friday! I am Linking up with Bright on a BudgetDella DevotedBYBMG and Andrea!

1. We had a really nice Christmas! It was nice to have my dad and brother home. We mostly just hung out and watched movies. Christmas morning was nice. We all got some great presents, we had a nice breakfast, kind of relaxed all day, and then had a nice dinner. We skipped any kind of traditional dinner and opted for steak and shrimp. But unfortunately, despite buying fresh local shrimp from Wegman's we had to toss the shrimp because it was bad. We were all pretty disappointed about that because shrimp (and steak) are not something we eat very often. The steak and the rest of our dinner was great though!
2. After Christmas dinner we went to a drive through Christmas lights display. My pictures didn't really turn out. It's hard to take pictures out of the back of a moving vehicle! It wasn't too long of a route but it was neat and great for something to do!
3. I did quite a bit of Christmas baking. Everyone in my family likes different things, so I always seem to end up with a lot of stuff. I just make small or half batches of stuff so it isn't too much. Nanaimo bars and peanut blossoms are my favorite Christmas treats!
4. Last month we saw four movies! Which is definitely a record for us as we have always said we aren't really movie people. Surprisingly there have been quite a few good movies out lately so we have been taking advantage of it! It helps that movies are cheaper here as opposed to other places we've lived. We've seen Dark Waters, Knives Out, and we saw Star Wars twice. They were all pretty good! Have you seen any movies lately? My mom and I are interested in seeing Just Mercy, which comes out on the 10th. 
I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Those peanut blossoms look delicious! I'm such a sucker for bakery goodness, haha! Happy to hear you had a good Christmas, best wishes for 2020!

  2. Wow, you sure baked up a storm! I love PB blossoms, yum! Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas, Nicole--it's too bad about the shrimp, though!

  3. I sure did! I love baking, so it's nice to have an excuse to bake lots of great things! I'm just glad my dad (who was a commercial fisherman, so he knows!) knew the shrimp was bad before we ate it, otherwise that would have been a very bad night! Food poisoning is not how we would want to end Christmas day!

  4. Thanks! They were really delicious. I love baked goods too, I am always up for any excuse to bake!
