Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea. It's been a little while since I've done one of these, so I have a little catching up to do!

1. My birthday was last month and I had a nice day. I bought the flowers on the left for my December bouquet but then my mom surprised me with the pretty bouquet on the right!

I received some nice gifts, went out for burgers for lunch, and had a funfetti cake! 
2. I finally got an air fryer. I ordered one on Black Friday and have gotten to use it a few times. (I ordered this one.) I went back and forth on getting one for quite a while because I wasn't sure if I would use it very much, but finally decided to give it a try when I saw this one was 25% off.

Since I have not been lucky enough to have a double oven, I mostly like that I can free up oven space and time by using this. It's definitely taken some figuring out though. I always assumed there was a tray or something you put oil in, but apparently that is not the case! So it seems you either just toss or brush oil on whatever you want to cook. 

Do you have an air fryer? What do you think of it? Have any recipes to share?
3. We had a really nice Christmas! My whole family was able to be here which was really nice! I spent Christmas eve baking and preparing our Christmas eve dinner of appetizers/snacks/finger foods. I baked macarons, sugar cookies, and peanut blossoms, and for dinner we did little pigs in a blanket, bbq chicken sandwich sliders, mozzarella sticks, popcorn chicken, and a snack mix. Maybe not the healthiest of dinners but it's what everyone loves and wanted! And then we ended the night by watching a really horrible Christmas movie on Netflix. Allegedly it was one of Netflix's top Christmas movies but it was so bad! 
4. Christmas day was really nice and relaxed. We started the morning by opening presents and then eating cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then lounged around all day watching Marvel movies. For dinner we had a somewhat easy dinner. My dad grilled steaks and asparagus and I made rolls, twice baked potatoes, and roasted mushrooms! It was all so good! And a nice way to spend the day!

And yes, the lights on the bottom part of our tree went out about a week before Christmas. My mom tried changing the fuses and replacing a bunch of the bulbs and nothing worked. And considering the fact we know two different people who were electrocuted by Walmart Christmas trees, we didn't really want to mess with it too much! And then a week after Christmas another section of lights went out!
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared my December Photo A Day pictures and on Wednesday I shared my recent purchases!
Hope you have a great weekend! We are supposed to get ice and/or snow this weekend, so we're planning on staying home and I'm going to make some chili! Do you have any weekend plans?


  1. Looks like you had a great birthday and a wonderful holiday! Those cinnamon rolls look so good. I got an air fryer for Christmas and we just used it last night. We had an old one that was basket style that we used only for fries or broccoli or large side items like that and we hardly used it all since I do have a rather large convection oven. This new air fryer is tray style and I hoped I could cook multiple things in it at the same time (which I still haven't tried!). My son was baking his birthday cheesecake in the oven and I needed to get dinner going so I cooked roasted potatoes in the air fryer and fish in the toaster oven with veggies on the stove top. The trays are still not big enough for cooking two different things in batches big enough to feed us all.

  2. Happy belated birthday, Nicole! Your Christmas Eve menu sounds delish to me, haha! So nice that you got to have your whole family together!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday and looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.

  4. I did have a great birthday and Christmas! Air fryers do seem to be kind of misleading. Like how you aren't supposed to fill the basket all the way like they always show in pictures. I've seen they do have air fryers with dual baskets now, but they're pretty large. The one I got is "family size" (it's 6qt) and certainly isn't big enough to cook very much at once!

  5. Thank you! It definitely was great! It's basically just all 'kid food' haha

  6. Thank you! I did have a nice Christmas!
