Friday, January 21, 2022

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea!

1. I stopped by Trader Joe's and picked up this bouquet of flowers for my first bouquet of the year! The last couple of years I've been purchasing a bouquet a month and it is something I look forward to each month! I just really enjoy having flowers around.
2. On Saturday I spent the day cleaning and organizing my room as well as going through some boxes. We were supposed to be getting snow or ice sometime that day or night, so we just planned on staying home all weekend. 

So I figured that was as good a time as any to do some cleaning! I went through pretty much everything (closet, dresser, boxes, etc.) and found some things to get rid of or donate. 

Later that day I made some chili and cornbread for dinner. I hadn't made chili in quite a while, so it was nice to have on a cold winter day! I typically like making chili and soups during the fall and winter, but it did't even get cold here until December! It was still in the 60's all through November!
3. I mentioned last week that we were supposed to be getting snow over the weekend and I woke up Sunday morning to 6 inches of snow on the ground! It was really windy and was sleeting all day long, so I felt bad for the kids in the neighborhood who were probably wanting to get out and play in it!
4. I was at Target and got these cute Valentine's day mugs. I saw them last year and didn't get them, but I kind of regretted not buying them so I was glad I was able to find them this year! They're only $10 for the 2 of them!
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared my Year of Photo A Day and on Wednesday I shared about when we hiked the Glassy Mountain Trail!
Hope you have a great weekend! Do you have any weekend plans?


  1. Those flowers are gorgeous! I love TJ's bouquets if it doesn't snow tonight I will grab some this weekend. It looks like you had an ideal snow day. I love having holiday mugs and my friend dropped off one of the Target mugs last year as a Galentine's gift. I need to pull it out this weekend.

  2. I try to buy floral bouquets once a month or so as well. It really is a small price to pay for something that makes me smile every time I see them.

  3. Exactly! It really is the little things in life that can really make a difference!

  4. I too have been trying to go through stuff and donate/get rid of things I no longer use! Hello, January, I guess haha. It snowed here today, but it's sooo cold that I can't imagine it's super fun for the kids!

  5. I really enjoyed the flowers! Hopefully you were able to get some too!

  6. I know, right? I don't know what it is about the beginning of the year that makes me feel like I need to start decluttering and cleaning.
