Monday, January 10, 2022

December 2021 Photo A Day

My last photo a day for 2021! Being a Christmas photo challenge made this month a little more fun. A couple of times I went with something a little different, but this month specifically the photos are really a good roundup of what I did or experienced this month.

The only prompt I got stuck on was day 28, which was 'my fave bit of 2021.' I really couldn't think of anything in the moment. I mean, seeing my family is always a favorite but I don't really have pictures of that. So I just picked getting Animal Crossing! I purchased the game in March and definitely spent a lot of time playing during the year. My brother and sister both play so it's been fun getting to play it with them.

Day 31 was also a prompt that made me think for a while. I don't do a word of the year or anything like that, but I've been in a creative rut for quite a while and over the last several months have been thinking about how I want to start doing more creative things. Like getting back into scrapbooking and crafting more things. So I thought create was a good word!

Are you going to do any challenges in the new year?


  1. What a fun collection of photos!

  2. What a great collection of pics.

  3. I hear you on wanting to do more creative things! I definitely need more of that in my life in 2022!

  4. Yeah, I don't know why it's so hard to MAKE myself do fun things like that! But you also can't force creativity, so it's a weird tricky balance of making/finding the time to create while actually being in a creative mood!
