Monday, May 2, 2022


As usual, taking a long blogging break was not planned. I was actually doing well with getting a bunch of blog posts put together and then I was in a scary car accident about a month ago that kind of took the wind out of my sails so to speak. Everyone was fine but it was a really scary experience for me. 

I was traveling southbound and had a green light (and had had a green light for a while! Cars traveling both north and south had already cleared the intersection before I got there) when as soon as I entered the intersection a car came flying out of nowhere and I collided with them. There was a semi truck stopped in the left turn lane (he had a red light) and the other car came flying up next to them, turned in front of the stopped truck, essentially running a red light. There was no way I could have seen them (since they were hidden by the truck) or done anything. Luckily the guy in the semi truck came running over to me and said I didn't do anything wrong and that he caught it all on his dash cam!

The other driver accepted full responsibility for the accident (not that they would have been able to deny it with the other witnesses and dash cam footage, but it certainly makes it easier with insurance.) 

I have a lot to be thankful for as far as the accident goes. That no one was hurt, that I happened to be driving my parents suburban that day (I don't normally drive it but I didn't want to go and get gas in my car that day so my mom said to just take the suburban!) our insurance was great and theirs didn't give us any problems with getting the car fixed. But it was still just a really scary experience. 

Moving on from hard stuff, I just thought a post talking a little about what I've been up to lately might be in order. We kind of skipped spring and went right on to summer as it's already been in the 70's and 80's lately!
Eating - Berries! We've gone to Costco after church the last couple of weekends and stocked up on strawberries and blueberries. I always look forward to eating fresh berries this time of year. I've also been making this spinach salad with dinner a lot.

Buying - Dresses. I just ordered 2 from H&M. I bought this one in my regular size and it came damaged and was also a little too small. So I exchanged it for a larger size and this one is now too big. The material is also incredibly thin (like almost see through!) so while I love the style of the dress I'm going to have to return it. I also got this dress. I was going to get it in floral but it was sold out in my size, but after seeing the floral pattern in person I decided I didn't like how it looked and just kept the black. I was kind of on the fence about having this dress in black, but it should be okay for just a casual dress. It's lightweight so it should be nice for summer. What do you think? Basically I've just been on the search for some nice summer clothes!

Watching - Dateline, Shark Tank, American Idol. We've also been watching some true crime shows on Discovery+ as well as The Chase on Netflix. They have the original version from the Game Show Network. The drama is ridiculous and the host is kind of annoying (the ABC version is so much better!) but it's good just for something to watch. (or have on in the background while I play my Switch!)

Reading - I recently finished Heirlooms by Sandra Byrd (I received it to review). It doesn't release until July but I'll have a review before then. I really enjoyed it!

Working on - Editing some pictures. My mom and I drove down to Georgia to visit the Georgia State Botanical Garden in Athens. I really miss visiting the Norfolk Botanical Garden when we lived in Virginia, so I've been trying to find another garden somewhere near us in South Carolina. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any gardens (at least that I've been able to find) where we live, but I did come across the Georgia state one that is about a 2 hour drive away. We were kind of between seasons with a lot of the spring flowers (like azaleas and such) having already bloomed and it still being too early for summer things like southern magnolia and crepe myrtles, but we did still manage to see a few things. And of course I did manage to take some nice pictures that I will be sharing soon! I was disappointed to miss out on all the cherry blossoms. I really didn't see any where we live!

Needing - To get back into scrapbooking. I haven't done any in a while and my album is sitting next to me waiting to be finished! I really would like to get caught up on it. I just haven't really been in a creative mood lately.

Looking forward to - Seeing my family this summer. Although I would like to see them much sooner! We have an event we're attending this summer that my whole family will be there for, so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone then.

What have you been up to lately? Are you looking forward to anything? Bought or done anything interesting? Let me know!


  1. So sorry to hear about your accident but I am so glad that you are okay (physically anyway- I'm sure that was so scary!). I think that black dress looks quite classic and you could easily make it look even more summer-y with the addition of some colorful accessories.

  2. Glad no one was hurt in the accident and it sounds like you have been busy

  3. Heather WhiteheadMay 6, 2022 at 11:02 AM

    OMG Nicole. I am so glad you are ok!
    Suburban's are the best!
    I was in a road rage accident and rolled my Suburban on the hay doing 80!
    The curtain airbags were a lifesaver and the build of the Suburban protected me. I walked away with only an airbag burn.
    We went back to see the damage a few days later and the frame was still fully intact. Crazy!

    Trinity ~ Now 18! Can you believe that?
    Was in her first car accident. She hit a dump truck as the sun obscured her view. She was driving an Expendition, so another large beefy SUV. She didn't have a scratch on here either.
    I'm not a Ford fan, but the fact that she went against a dump truck and didn't get hurt I was a believer that these large SUV's are safest.

    Miss you and your family. I'm glad your enjoying time on the east coast.

  4. Yikes, that is scary!! Glad to hear you're okay! Now that I hardly ever drive (...or leave my house at all, haha), I notice that I am all off my game with driving. I'm definitely rusty and that kind of freaks me out--especially when you have knuckleheads out there doing all kinds of crazy things, as you experienced! Thank goodness your car had run out of gas that day!

  5. It was very scary! I'm still very hesitant when entering an intersection (and probably will be for a while!). That's a great idea! I really like that it is a dress that could be dressed up or made more casual!

  6. I am too! It was a very scary experience! And I have tried to stay busy!

  7. I am too! It was so scary! The other people were fine as well although they were driving a smaller sedan and their car was pretty seriously damaged. When we called USAA after the accident the guy was like "That thing is a tank!" referring to the suburban haha! That's so scary! I'm glad you were okay! The airbags didn't even go off in my accident, which is just as well since they were the recalled ones! (We just got them replaced this week. They recalled them like over a year ago and said they were waiting on parts and it took forever to get the parts in!)

    That's crazy! How do you have an 18 year old? I'm glad she's okay! How scary! We aren't Ford fans either (although my dad does have an F-250) I am a huge fan of SUV's though! I drive a Volvo SUV and the safety features are what made me get one!

    Miss you guys as well! If you ever come out this way definitely let me know!!!

  8. There are so many crazy people on the roads! I know statistics have been saying that drivers are getting worse since the pandemic, which doesn't help! I don't love driving in the first place and am always very careful and cautious, so it was scary to see that even when you are doing everything right, things can still happen! But then again, that is the way everything is with life! Hopefully that doesn't make you feel paranoid!
