Monday, May 16, 2022

Our Visit to The State Botanical Garden of Georgia Part 1

A couple of weeks ago my mom and I drove down to Athens, Georgia, to check out their state botanical garden. I had been searching for a garden closer to us but wasn't able to find one. Luckily I was able to find the State Botanical Garden of Georgia! It was even free to visit!

Since it gets so much warmer in the south sooner, we were kind of between seasons as a lot of the more spring time flowers (like tulips, azaleas, and cherry blossoms.) had already bloomed yet it was still too early for more summertime flowers to be start blooming (like roses, southern magnolias, and crepe myrtles). 

Despite that, we did still enjoy our time at the garden. We arrived mid-morning but it didn't take long for it to get quite warm out. We didn't have a map so we kind of just aimlessly wandered around. We spent the first part of our visit walking along the wooded paths of the shade gardens before finding a garden filled with irises. The irises had just been watered so I thought they looked quite neat with all the water droplets on them!
Did you get to visit any gardens this spring?


  1. What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing it. Very nice.

  2. Even between blooming seasons you found some really lovely shots and spots to capture.

  3. LOVE a good “flower with a water drop” pic, haha! Irises, azaleas/rhododendron (I never remember the difference between them!), and pansies were among the flowers in bloom at my botanical garden too! I guess it is a weird in-between time for flowers right now!

  4. I do too! I was excited to see that they had just been watered! Azaleas and rhododendrons especially look a lot a like!

  5. Thank you! I enjoyed visiting the botanical garden!
