Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea

1. I haven't gotten any flowers for May yet, but my April flowers sure were pretty! I like when I can find a bouquet that is colorful and has a variety of flowers and greenery! These were perfect for Spring!
2. I made this cake last month and it was so delicious! (I used this recipe) It's a lemon cake with raspberry cream cheese frosting between the layers and cream cheese frosting on the outside. And I piped some cherry blossoms on top. My mom asked for a lemon raspberry bundt cake for mother's day, so I'll be making that this weekend!
3. I got a wrong number phone call and the transcription made me laugh. I don't know why it says "I hope you have a good day in Spanish." The guy wasn't speaking Spanish and I can't tell from what he said where the "in Spanish" part came from. Anyways, I just thought it was kind of funny!
4. Getting my order of coffee from Peet's was definitely a favorite! I'm pretty picky about my coffee but having a good cup of coffee every day is always something to look forward to!
5. In case you missed it, on Monday I shared a post about what I've currently been up to, and on Wednesday I shared my April Photo A Day pictures!

Hope you have a great weekend! Do you have any plans for the weekend? We are supposed to get some severe thunderstorms today so I need to run some errands and do some grocery shopping before the storms start!


  1. That cake is beautiful and it looks so delicious! I tried looking for some flowers for myself today while I was out shopping but I didn't love any of the combinations I saw.

  2. hahahaha "I hope you have a great day in Spanish" what the heck?? Also, love that he's calling from Animal Control?? The cherry blossoms on that cake look so good!!

  3. That cake looks so very yummy

  4. I know, right? It was so weird! He's calling from Michigan and my phone number has a Washington area code (which are very different!) so no idea how he miss dialed my number! But at least it was funny haha! Thank you!

  5. Thank you! It was really delicious! That's too bad, sometimes they really do have odd combinations or colors.
