Monday, June 20, 2022

Heirlooms by Sandra Byrd Book Review

Heirlooms by Sandra Byrd

Description from Amazon:

Answering a woman’s desperate call for help, young Navy widow Helen Devries opens her Whidbey Island home as a refuge to Choi Eunhee. As they bond over common losses and a delicate, potentially devastating secret, their friendship spans the remainder of their lives.

After losing her mother, Cassidy Quinn spent her childhood summers with her gran, Helen, at her farmhouse. Nourished by her grandmother’s love and encouragement, Cassidy discovers a passion that she hopes will bloom into a career. But after Helen passes, Cassidy learns that her home and garden have fallen into serious disrepair. Worse, a looming tax debt threatens her inheritance. Facing the loss of her legacy and in need of allies and ideas, Cassidy reaches out to Nick, her former love, despite the complicated emotions brought by having him back in her life.

Cassidy inherits not only the family home but a task, spoken with her grandmother’s final breaths: ask Grace Kim―Eunhee’s granddaughter―to help sort through the contents of the locked hope chest in the attic. As she and Grace dig into the past, they unearth their grandmothers’ long-held secret and more. Each startling revelation reshapes their understanding of their grandmothers and ultimately inspires the courage to take risks and make changes to own their lives.

Set in both modern-day and midcentury Whidbey Island, Washington, this dual-narrative story of four women―grandmothers and granddaughters―intertwines across generations to explore the secrets we keep, the love we pass down, and the heirlooms we inherit from a well-lived life.

I pretty quickly got pulled into this story and came to really like the characters. I was really into Helen and Eunhee's story and was a bit disappointed when the story shifted focus to Cassidy's timeline. I've gotten really tired of these dual-timeline stories as they can be really annoying to keep straight with their many characters; but fortunately that wasn't the case with this one! 

Both characters were so expertly written that I found myself feeling a little sad (but also excited) when the story switched back to the other. I definitely preferred Helen and Eunhee's story, but Cassidy's flowed well throughout.

Having grown up in Washington state (not too far away from where the book was set!) I was extremely familiar with the setting and it was very nostalgic for me. I could easily imagine everything going on what things looked like or how things were. This is also a testament to how well the book was written; even if you've never visited Washington the story is so well described (without being over the top) that it's easy to imagine it like a movie in your mind. 

And not only is the book well written setting-wise, it's well written period-wise as well. I enjoyed all the descriptions and nods to life during the 50's. Rotary phones and party lines, Elvis on TV, learning to cook from cookbooks and gardening from Better Homes & Gardens books. It all really helped to set the scene!

I appreciated the mentions of the Korean war and the role it played in Eunhee's life. There is unfortunately a reason why it is called The Forgotten War and I always wonder why books (even ones written during the 50's) completely ignore it. Life for the Korean people before, during, and after the Korean war was very difficult. There is a huge gap in the market for stories like this. 

Eunhee coming to America with her Navy husband and then trying to make a life here, while also trying to keep in touch with her family in Korea, leads to some struggles and heartbreak (I don't want to give any of the plot away!).

I enjoyed learning about the Korean culture and the role it played in the story. Especially son-mat, which means "hand taste or the taste-from-one's-hands". What a sweet way of passing on family traditions/recipes to the next generation! 

This was a beautiful story about family, friendship, community, culture, and heartbreak. This story touched on some tough topics but there were so many wonderful, tender moments that made this a truly enjoyable story to read. I read a lot of books and while there aren't many that I would say truly stick with me, this was one I will continue to think about for a long time.

I received a complimentary e-copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. 

Heirlooms releases on July 5, 2022.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Recent Beauty Purchases 10

1. Tartelette Juicy Amazonian Clay Palette: I really like this eyeshadow palette! I usually get the mini palettes since they never seem to have very many shadows that I like in the full size, but this one was actually one where I would use the whole thing! The colors are a little warmer toned in person than they appear in the photo, but it's not an issue. I like the color selection, the pigmentation, and used with a primer they last all day. Overall this is just a really pretty palette!

2. Maybelline Super Stay 24 2-Step Liquid Lipstick in Keep It Red: I purchased this at Target in the shade Keep it Red but I can't seem to find the exact shade online so I linked the closest I could find. I like this lipstick okay. The color is nice although maybe a tad lighter/brighter than I would prefer. And while it isn't as long lasting as it claims, it does last a while. I drink a lot of water throughout the day so it does start to wear off after multiple times of eating and drinking, but it does last longer than other liquid lipsticks I've tried. I like that it's a lipstick and balm all in one. The balm really helps to not dry your lips out. And for the price it's definitely one of the better liquid lipsticks I've tried. I've gotten some at Sephora that were higher priced and didn't last as long and felt super drying. 

3. Amika Normcore Shampoo and Conditioner: I've been looking at upgrading my shampoo and conditioner as I've been having a lot of trouble finding something that works well for me and doesn't irritate my skin. I thought this Amika shampoo and conditioner was just okay. It's not bad for the price but I don't know that I really liked it well enough to purchase again. It has a little too much of a perfumey smell to me and it doesn't lather up super well; so sometimes I'd have to wash my hair twice to get it to feel clean. And I don't use many products on my hair, just hairspray once after styling, so it's not like I have a ton of product buildup to remove. It did seem to reduce frizz a little, so I'll give it that! So basically it's better than most drug store shampoos but not anything too spectacular either.

4. Amika The Shield Anti-Humidity Spray and Heat Protectant: I will start off by saying that it hasn't gotten crazy humid where I live yet, so I can't say how well it works during a hot and humid southern summer, but so far it seems to work pretty well. Granted, if the humidity is 70% + I don't think anything is going to work too well! But anyways, I do find this does work to reduce frizz and help to hold a curl better. So I've been impressed with it so far. I'm cautiously optimistic about this for the summer. My one negative with this product is it is fairly strong smelling after applying. Fortunately it doesn't linger and I only notice it for a little while after spraying it.

5. Charlotte Tilbury Mini Hollywood Flawless Filter in 2 fair: I randomly bought this during the spring Sephora sale after seeing all the positive reviews and I was glad I did since I like it! Most of the foundation I have is more of a matte finish, so I use this mixed with my foundation and it gives me a more natural looking finish. I just put a few dabs on my face and then apply foundation and blend it out. I don't wear foundation very often so the mini will last me a while.

6. Bobbi Brown Mini Long-Wear Cream Shadow Stick Trio: I was really disappointed by these. The colors looked nice in the images on the Sephora site, but once I got them and tried them the colors were really lacking. They definitely looked more vibrant online and were practically nonexistent on me. They were also much more shimmery/glittery than I would have liked. So I ended up returning these. This trio is way overpriced for what it is as I've used these e.l.f. eyeshadow sticks in the past and they were much better and only $5!

Have you purchased any new beauty products lately?

Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday Favorites

Hello and welcome to my Friday Favorites! Today I am linking up with Andrea!

1. I picked up my flowers for the month last week! I wanted to find something colorful for summer and I think these fit the bill!
2. There was a lot of TV watching going on over here a couple of weeks ago! Both Stranger Things and Obi-Wan came out on May 27 and I did not waste any time getting started on those! 

Obi-Wan has been pretty good but Stranger Things was better than I was expecting! I didn't like Season 3 that much (it was mostly just gross and gory. There were definitely some good moments in it and the last episode was pretty good.) I wasn't sure what to expect with season 4 but it was certainly very good! I finished it all in 5 days. I probably could have finished it faster but I tried to break it up a bit! 

I am very interested in seeing where Part 2 goes. Although there is a character I'm worried they're going to kill off! Have you watched Stranger Things? What did you think?
3. We went and saw Top Gun this week and it was better than I was expecting. I am almost embarrassed to admit this but I had never seen the first one. I tried watching it over Memorial Day weekend and I got 20 minutes into it and had to turn it off. It's so bad! And before you defend it, if you haven't watched it recently you have no room to talk! I feel like it's one of those movies that everyone loves in hindsight but it really isn't as good as everyone remembers it being. 

Anyways, so with no real frame of reference for the first one, I still thought this one was good. 
4. I made chocolate covered strawberries yesterday! I had bought some strawberries earlier this week and unfortunately they weren't very flavorful. So I just decided to dip them in chocolate! I figured the chocolate will make up for the lack of good strawberry flavor and it did. I used a mix of semi-sweet and milk chocolate chips.
5. In case you missed it, a couple of weeks ago I shared Part 1 and Part 2 of our visit to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. Then on Monday I shared my May 2022 Photo A Day Pictures and on Wednesday I shared my review of the book Long Way Home by Lynn Austin!
Hope you have a great weekend! 
Did you have a good week? Any plans for the weekend?

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Long Way Home by Lynn Austin Book Review

Long Way Home by Lynn Austin

Description from Amazon:

Peggy Serrano couldn’t wait for her best friend to come home from the war. But the Jimmy Barnett who returns is much different from the Jimmy who left, changed so drastically by his experience as a medic in Europe that he can barely function. When he attempts the unthinkable, his parents check him into the VA hospital. Peggy determines to help the Barnetts unravel what might have happened to send their son over the edge. She starts by contacting Jimmy’s war buddies, trying to identify the mysterious woman in the photo they find in Jimmy’s belongings.

Seven years earlier, sensing the rising tide against her people, Gisela Wolff and her family flee Germany aboard the passenger ship St. Louis, bound for Havana, Cuba. Gisela meets Sam Shapiro on board and the two fall quickly in love. But the ship is denied safe harbor and sent back to Europe. Thus begins Gisela’s perilous journey of exile and survival, made possible only by the kindness and courage of a series of strangers she meets along the way, including one man who will change the course of her life.

I was quite disappointed by this book and found it to be pretty boring. The whole story was just so slow! It wasn't until maybe the last 1/4 of the book where it seemed to pick up speed and the plot finally moved forward. So much of the book was just repeating the same things. 

Most of Gisela's storyline was just one bad thing after another. I mean, I know there was a lot of bad happening (Obviously! It was war!) but typically you'll at least have a few small good moments. It just got to be depressing. I already knew what had happened with the St. Louis, but too much time was spent telling the facts about what happened without really adding any story to it. 

I would have much preferred this story to have focused solely on Peggy instead of the dual-storyline. I think that really detracted from both characters as we don't really get to know either of them very well or understand their motivations. 

I didn't care for Gisela at all really. She was kind of irrational with how she reacted to people helping her and the way she rushed into her romance with Sam made her (and their relationship) feel unnatural to me. I found Peggy to be more personable and relatable.

I did really like the relationship between Peggy and Jimmy's parents. I think we can all relate to feeling like we don't fit in at times, even within our own families, so I really liked how Peggy found acceptance with Jimmy's parents. 

For most of the book I was confused by Peggy and Jimmy's relationship. They're friends, but there is a mention that she has a crush on him, but she also doesn't find it weird that the guy she has a crush on is carrying the picture of another girl with him? And then later she says he's like a brother to her? It was just confusing to me and didn't fully make sense until the very end.

I've read several of this author's books and have enjoyed them (In fact, I included If I Were You as one of my favorite reads from 2020!) but this one just didn't have the same feel to it that the others have. I don't really know what it was about this one, but it just fell flat for me.

I received a complimentary e-copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. 

Long Way Home releases on June 21, 2022.

Monday, June 6, 2022

May 2022 Photo A Day

How are we already into June? It seems like this year is just flying by! Anyways, this was a pretty straightforward month of prompts. There really wasn't anything too complicated or anything I got stuck on. 

The weather here has been in summer-mode for a while already and the crepe myrtle trees have started blooming! So I used those several times in my pictures this month!

Did you do anything exciting this past month?